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Shvetashvatar Upanishad

"The Shvetashvatara is a short Upanishad consisting of only 113 Mantras (sacred verses) divided into six chapters. It belongs to the Krishna-yajur-veda. It gets its name from the sage Shvetashvatara who is said to have taught it to his disciples (vide Mantra 21 of chap. 6). The word Shvetashvatara does not seem to be the original name of the Rishi but only an honorific title. According to Shankarananda the word means one who has controlled his senses (Shveta = pure + Ahsva = Indriyas or senses). According to others it means a pure mule or a male calf (Shveta + Ashvatara). In ancient days it was quite common to add suffixes like Rishabha, Pungava, etc., to names as a mark of respect or pre-eminence. Either way the word signifies the greatness of the teacher.

It is not one of the more ancient Upanisads that are generally considered to be the major ones, and that form the basis of the enquiry in the Brahma-sutras. These Sutras do not allude to any of the verses original to the Shvetashvatara even once, but many of its Mantras are quoted by the commentators in support of their doctrines. This shows what an important position of authority it held in the eyes of the great commentators, notwithstanding its comparatively later origin. It does not advocate any particular system of orthodox philosophy, as elaborated in the Darshanas (systems of philosophy) or in their expositions. There are passages in this Upanishad which are allied in thought to Dvaita (dualism), Vishishta-advaita (qualified nondualism), Advaita (nondualism) and other branches of Vedanta. Sankhya and Yoga ideas find a prominent place in certain verses. It lays equal emphasis on Jnana, Bhakti and other paths of spiritual life."


Shvetashvatar Upanishad

Shvetashvatar Upanishad

Shvetashvatar Upanishad
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YSA 08.24.23 Summary of Shvetashvarta with Hersh Khetarpal

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YSA 08.03.23 Shvetashvarta Upanishad with Hersh Khetarpal

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