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  The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali is a collection of Sanskrit sutras (aphorisms) on the theory and practice of yoga – 195 sutras (according to Vyāsa and Krishnamacharya) and 196 sutras (according to others, including BKS Iyengar). The Yoga Sutras was compiled in the early centuries CE, by the sage Patanjali in India who synthesized and organized knowledge about yoga from much older traditions.[1][2][3]

The Yoga Sutras is best known for its reference to ashtanga, eight elements of practice culminating in samadhi. The eight elements are yama (abstinences), niyama (observances), asana (yoga posture), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), dharana (concentration of the mind), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (absorption). The main aim of practice is kaivalya, discernment of purusha, the witness-consciousness, as distinct from prakriti, the cognitive apparatus, and disentanglement of purusha from prakriti's muddled defilements.

YSA 10.12.24 Yog Sutras by Patanjali C4 v29- C4 v34 studied with Hersh Khetarpal.

YSA 10.12.24 Yog Sutras by Patanjali C4 v29- C4 v34 studied with Hersh Khetarpal.

Yog Sutras by Patanjali C4 v29- C4 v34 studied with Hersh Khetarpal. C4. KAIVALYA PADA - INDEPENDENCE C4 v29- C4 v34 29. तत् शकभणय नवणृ त्त् ॥२९॥ tatah kleshakarmanivrittih From that comes cessation of pains and works. 30. तदा सवावय यिभराऩते स्य नस्याऽनन्त्याज्ज्ञमे भ अ् ल्पभ ॥ ३०॥ tada sarvavarannamalapetasy jnanasyaanantyajgyeyam alpam Then knowledge, bereft of covering and impurities, becoming infinite, the knowable becomes small. 31. तत् कृ ताथानय ऩणयिाभिभऩणयसभाणप्तगियु नाभ ॥ ३१॥ tatah kritarthanan parinamakramapari samaptirgunanam Then are finished the successive transformations of the qualities, they having attained the end. 32. प्रणतमोगी ऩणयिाभाऩयान्तणनर्ग् ह्य्य भ् ॥३२॥ kshannapratiyogi parinamaparantanigrarhyah kramah The changes that exist in relation to moments, and which are perceived at the other end (at the end of a series) are succession. 33. .ऩरु षाथशयन्यू नांगिुानांप्रणतप्रसव्कैवल्यं,स्वरूऩप्रणतष्ठावा णचणतशणियणेत॥३३॥ purusharthashoonyanan gunanan pratiprasavah kaivalyan, svaroopapratishtha va chitishaktireti The resolution in the inverse order of the qualities, berfect of any motive of action for the Purusa, is Kaivalya, or it is the establishment of the power of knowledge in its own nature. To join these live classes followed by Q & A with Hersh Khetarpal send a request at the email below for the zoom link, Attention to Gina Loftus.
YSA 09.21.24 Yog Sutras by Patanjali C4 v23- C4 v28  studied with Hersh Khetarpal.

YSA 09.21.24 Yog Sutras by Patanjali C4 v23- C4 v28 studied with Hersh Khetarpal.

Yog Sutras by Patanjali C4 v23- C4 v28 studied with Hersh Khetarpal. C4. KAIVALYA PADA - INDEPENDENCE C4 v23- C4 v28 23. तदसख्यं मे वासनाणचत्रभ अ् णऩ ऩयाथं सहं त्यकाणयत्वात ॥् २३॥ tadasankhyeyavasanachitram api pararthan sanhatyakaritvat The mind through its innumerable desires acts for another (the Purusa), being combinations. 24. णवशषे दणशनय आत्मबावबावनाणवणनवणृ त्त् ॥२४॥ visheshadarshin aatmabhavabhavanavinivrittih For the discriminating the perception of the mind as Atman ceases. 25.तदाणववके णनम्नंकैवल्यप्राग्भायंणचत्तभ॥् २५॥ tada vivekanimnan kaivalyapragbharan chittam Then bent on discriminating the mind attains the previous state of Kaivalya (isolation). 26. तणच्छद्रेष ु प्रत्यमान्तयाणि सस्कं ायभ्ये ् ॥२६॥ tachchhidreshu pratyayantarani sanskarebhyah The thoughts that arise as obstructions to that are from impressions. 27.हानभए्षांिेशवदुिभ॥् २७॥ hanam esham kleshavaduktam Their destruction is in the same manner as of ignorance, etc., as said before. 28. प्रसख्यं ानऽे प्यकुसीदस्य सवथय ाणववके ख्यातधे भय भय घे ् सभाणध्॥२८॥ prasankhyanepyakusidasy sarvathavivekakhyater dharmameghah samadhih Even when arriving at the right discriminating knowledge of the senses, he who gives up the fruits, unto him comes as the result of perfect discrimination, the Samadhi called the cloud of virtue.
YSA 08.31.24 Yog Sutras by Patanjali C4 v13- C4 v 22 studied with Hersh Khetarpal.

YSA 08.31.24 Yog Sutras by Patanjali C4 v13- C4 v 22 studied with Hersh Khetarpal.

Yog Sutras by Patanjali C4 v13- C4 v22studied with Hersh Khetarpal. C4. KAIVALYA PADA - INDEPENDENCE C4 v13 - C4 v22 13. ते व्यिसक्ष्मू ा गिु ात्मान् ॥१३॥ te vyaktasookshma gunatmanah They are manifested or fine, being of the nature of the Gunas. The Gunas are the three substances, Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas, whose gross state is the sensible universe. Past and future arise from the different modes of manifestation of these Gunas. 14.ऩणयिाभकै त्वाद्वस्ततु त्त्वभ॥ १४॥ parinamaikatvad vastutattvam The unity in things is from the unity in changes. Though there are three substances their changes being co-ordinated all objects have their unity. 15. वस्तसु म्य णचत्तबदे त त् मोणवबय ऩन्था्॥१५॥ vastusamye chittabhedat tayorvibhaktah panthah The object being the same, perception and desire vary according to the various minds. 16.तदुऩयागाऩऺे त्वातण्चत्तस्यवस्तुऻाताऻातभ॥ १६॥3 taduparagapekshatvat chittasya vastu jnatajnatam Things are known or unknown to the mind, being de-pendent on the colouring which they give to the mind. 17. सदा ताणित्तवत्तृ मस्तत्प्रबो् ऩरुु षस्याऩणयिाणभत्वात ॥१७॥ sada jnatashchittavrittayastatprabhoh purushasyaparinamitvat The states of the mind are always known because the lord of the mind is unchangeable. 18.नततस्व् बासदृंश्मत्वात॥ १८॥ na tat svabhasandrishyatvat Mind is not self-luminous, being an object. 19. एकसभमे चोबमानवधायिभ १९॥ ekasamaye chobhayanavadharannam From its being unable to cognise two things at the same time. 20.णचत्तान्तयदृश्मेफणुद्धफद्धु ये णतप्रसङ्ग्स्मणृतसकं यि॥२०॥ chittantaradrishye buddhibuddheratiprasanggah smritisankarashcha Another cognising mind being assumed there will be no end to such assumptions and confusion of memory. 21. णचतये प्रणतसिं भामास्तदाकायाऩत्तौ स्वफणु द्धसवं दे नभ ॥् २१॥ chiterapratisankramayastadakarapattau svabuddhisanvedanam The essence of knowledge (the Purusa) being un-changeable, when the mind takes its form, it becomes conscious. 22.द्रष्टृदृश्मोऩयिंणचत्तंसवाथयभय ॥् २२॥ drashtridrishyoparaktan chittan sarvartham Coloured by the seer and the seen the mind is able to understand everything.
YSA 08.17.24 Yog Sutras by Patanjali C4 v8- C4 v12 studied with Hersh Khetarpal.

YSA 08.17.24 Yog Sutras by Patanjali C4 v8- C4 v12 studied with Hersh Khetarpal.

Yog Sutras by Patanjali C4 v8- C4 v12 studied with Hersh Khetarpal. C4. KAIVALYA PADA - INDEPENDENCE C4 v8- C4 -v12 8. ततस्तणिऩाकानगु नाभ ए् वाणबव्यणिवासय नानाभ ॥ ८॥ tatastadvipakanugunanam evabhivyaktirvasananam From these threefold works are manifested in each state only those desires (which are) fitting to that state alone. (The others are held in abeyance for the time being.) 9.जाणतदशे कारव्यवणहतानाभअ् प्यानन्तमं,स्मणृतसस्कं यमो् ए क रू ऩ त्व त ९ ॥ jatideshakalavyavahitanam apyanantaryam smritisanskarayoh ekaroopatvat There is connectiveness in desire, even though separated by speices, space and time, there being identifi-cation of memory and impressions. 10.तासाभअ् नाणदत्वंचाणशषोणनत्यत्वात॥ १०॥ tasam anaditvam chashisho nityatvat Thirst for happiness being eternal, desires are without beginning. 11.हते पु राश्रमारम्बन्ै सगं हृ ीतत्वाद्एषाभअ् बावेतदबाव्॥११॥ hetufalashrayalambanaih sangrihitatvad esham abhave tadabhavah Being held together by cause, effect, support, and objects, in the absence of these is its absence. 12.अतीतानागतंस्वरूऩतोऽस्त्यध्वबदेाद्धभािय ाभ॥् १२॥ atitanagatan svaroopatostyadhvabhedad dharmanam The past and future exist in their own nature, qualities having different ways. 13. ते व्यिसक्ष्मू ा गिु ात्मान् ॥१३॥ te vyaktasookshma gunatmanah They are manifested or fine, being of the nature of the Gunas. To join these live classes followed by Q & A with Hersh Khetarpal send a request at the email below for the zoom link, Attention to Gina Loftus.
YSA 07.27.24 Yog Sutras by Patanjali C4 v1- C4 v7 studied with Hersh Khetarpal.

YSA 07.27.24 Yog Sutras by Patanjali C4 v1- C4 v7 studied with Hersh Khetarpal.

C4. KAIVALYA PADA - INDEPENDENCE C4 v1- C4 -v7 1. जन्मौषणधभन्त्रतऩ्सभाणधजा् णसद्धम् ॥ १॥ janmaushadhimantratapahsamadhijah siddhayah The Siddhis (powers) are attained by birth, chemical means, power of words, mortification or concentration. 2.जात्यन्तयऩणयिाभ्प्रकृत्याऩयूात॥ २॥ jatyantaraparinamah prakrityapoorat The change into another species is by the filling in of nature. 3. णनणभत्तभ अ् प्रमोजकं प्रकृ तीनां वयिबदे स्त तत् णे त्रकवत॥ ३॥ nimittam aprayojakan prakritinan varannabhedastu tatah kshetrikavat Good deeds, etc., are not the direct causes in the transformation of nature, but they act as breakers of obstacles to the evolutions of nature, as a farmer breaks the obstacles to the course of water, which then runs down by its own nature 4. णनभािय णचत्तान्यणस्मताभात्रात ॥ ४॥ nirmannachittanyasmitamatrat From egoism alone proceed the created minds. 5.प्रवणृत्तबदे प्रमोजकंणचत्तभए्कभअ्नके षाभ॥ ५॥ pravrittibhede prayojakam chittam ekam anekesham Though the activities of the different created minds are various, the one original mind is the controller of them all. 6. तत्र ध्यानजभ अ् नाशमभ ॥६॥ tatra dhyanajam anashayam Among the various Chittas that which is attained by Samadhi is desireless. 7.कभाशयिुाकृष्णंमोणगन्णत्रणवधभइ्तयषेाभ॥ ७॥ karmashuklakrishnnam yoginah trividham itaresham Works are neither black nor white for the Yogis; for others they are threefold, black, white, and mixed. To join these live classes followed by Q & A with Hersh Khetarpal send a request at the email below for the zoom link, Attention to Gina Loftus.
YSA 07.13.24 Yog Sutras by Patanjali C3 v52- C3 v55 studied with Hersh Khetarpal.

YSA 07.13.24 Yog Sutras by Patanjali C3 v52- C3 v55 studied with Hersh Khetarpal.

C3.Vibhuti Pad - Portion on Accomplishments C3 V52- C3 v55 52. स्थान्यऩु णनभन्त्रिे सङ्गस्ममाकयिं ऩनु ् अणनष्टप्रसङ्गात ॥् ५२॥ sthanyupanimantrane sanggasmayakarannan punah anishtaprasanggat The Yogi should not feel allured or flattered by the overtures of celestial beings, for fear of evil again. 53. ऺितत्क्रभमो् समं भादणववके जं ऻानभ ॥् ५३॥ kshannatatkramayoh sanyamadavivekajam jnanam By making Samyama on a particle of time and its multiples comes discrimination. 54. जाणतरऺिदशे यै न्यताऽनवच्छेदात त् ल्यु मोस्तत् प्रणतऩणत्त्॥५४॥ jatilakshannadeshairanyataanavachchhedat tulyayostatah pratipattih Those which cannot be differentiated by species, sign and place, even they will be discriminated by the above Samyama. 55.तायकं सवणयवषमंसवथय णवषमभअ् भंचणेतणववके जंनभ॥ ५५॥ tarakan sarvavishayan sarvathavishayam akraman cheti vivekajan jnanam The saving knowledge is that knowledge of discrimination which covers all objects, all means. To join these live classes followed by Q & A with Hersh Khetarpal send a request at the email below for the zoom link, Attention to Gina Loftus.
YSA 06.29.24 Yog Sutras by Patanjali C3 v49- C3 v51 studied with Hersh Khetarpal.

YSA 06.29.24 Yog Sutras by Patanjali C3 v49- C3 v51 studied with Hersh Khetarpal.

C3.Vibhuti Pad - Portion on Accomplishments C3 V49- C3 v51 49. ततो भनोजणवत्वं णवकयिबाव् प्रधानजमि ॥४९॥ tato manojavitvan vikarannabhavah pradhanajayashch From that comes glorified mind, power of the organs independently of the body, and conquest of nature. Just as by the conquest of the elements comes glorified body, so from the conquest of the mind will come glorified mind. 50. सत्त्वऩरु षान्यताख्याणतभात्रस्य सवबय वाणधष्ठातत्वृ सवय तत्वृ च॥५०॥ sattvapurushanyatakhyatimatrasy sarvabhavadhishthatritvam sarvajnatritvan cha. By making Samyama on the Sattva, to him who has discriminated between the intellect and the Purusa comes omnipresence and omniscience. When we have conquered nature, and realised the difference between the Purusa and nature, that the Purusa is indestructible, pure and perfect, when the Yogi has realised this, then comes omnipotence and omniscience. 51.तियैाग्मादणऩदोषफीजमेकैवल्यभ॥ ५१॥ tadvairajnadapi doshabijakshaye kaivalyam By giving up even these comes the destruction of the very seed of evil; he attains Kaivalya. To join these live classes followed by Q & A with Hersh Khetarpal send a request at the email below for the zoom link, Attention to Gina Loftus.
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